RVF-DFYN dual farming step-by-step guide
- Go to https://exchange.dfyn.network/#/pool and connect to Matic network on your wallet.
- Click on add liquidity button:
3. Choose RVF & DFYN from dropdown:
4. Input the no. of RVF/DFYN you want to add to liquidity and it will automatically calculate the other tokens required. Click on Supply and approve:
5. After above step, you should be able to see the LP tokens under https://exchange.dfyn.network/#/pool
6. Next go to https://exchange.dfyn.network/#/dual-farms and scroll to RVF-DFYN dual farm section and click on “Deposit”:
7. In next screen, you will have the option to “Deposit DFYN LP Tokens”:
8. Choose the LP tokens you want to deposit and Approve:
9. Congratulation :) You should be able to see the rewards you are eligible to claim that is being updated every minute.
Happy farming :)
Contact Rocket Vault
- Website: https://rocketvaults.io
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- Email: contact@rocketvaults.io