How to Cross-Chain Swap USDC and BNB to $NEAR at Best Rates & Low Fees on RocketX Exchange
Trade with RocketX and you will see the difference!
With RocketX Exchange($RVF), you can now trade your tokens with lower gas fee, platform fee and with minimum slippage. Trade 350+ tokens using RocketX and we are currently supporting 3 networks Ethereum, BSC and Polygon. In the near future we will be supporting more networks and you can trade 350+ coins at best rates on RocketX.
In this video, we will demonstrate, how to buy NEAR with stable coins like USDC at best rates using RocketX. We’ll also show, how to swap BNB to NEAR using RocketX.
You can observe that with RocketX, you will end up receiving ~94 NEAR tokens when you swap with 1000 USDC (excluding the fee). The overall fee is just above USD 3 and the gas fee in the best case scenario would cost USD 15 — USD 20 for this particular transaction which is comparatively cheaper than 1Inch which is a DEX aggregator. In the second part of the video, you can observe that you would receive ~688 NEAR tokens when you swap 20 BNB tokens on RocketX at a lesser gas fee. This way, you can trade your NEAR tokens at best rates using RocketX.
At RocketX, we are on a mission to simplify crypto trading and value investing. Very soon, we will be able to support more networks and we will be integrating more CEX and DEXs too! Trade 350+ tokens at best rates on RocketX today!
RocketX — Your go-to platform for crypto trading at best rates.
Note: The values in the video are at the time of recording and may change time-to-time.
Check out another video on how to get $SUSHI at Best Rates, Low Fees & Min. Slippage.